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Afd Europaparlament 2014

European Parliament Elections 2014

Results, Distribution of Seats, and Governing Parties

A comprehensive overview of the 2014 European Parliament elections

The 2014 European Parliament election, held from May 22nd to 25th, marked the eighth time the European Parliament was directly elected by citizens across the European Union. This election saw a significant shift in the political landscape, as anti-establishment and populist parties gained ground, while traditional center-left and center-right parties lost support.

The results of the election had a profound impact on the composition and policies of the European Parliament. The European People's Party (EPP) remained the largest group in the Parliament, but its majority was reduced, while the Socialist and Democrats (S&D) group lost seats. The Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA) and the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) groups both made gains, as did Eurosceptic parties such as the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and the National Front in France.

The distribution of seats in the Parliament reflected the changing political landscape. The EPP still held the most seats, with 221, but lost 34 seats compared to the previous election. The S&D group fell to 191 seats, a loss of 19 seats, while the ECR gained 48 seats to become the third-largest group with 70 seats. The Greens/EFA increased its representation to 50 seats, a gain of 12 seats.

The election also saw a rise in the number of non-attached members, who are not affiliated with any political group. These members represented a diverse range of national parties and ideologies, making it more difficult to form stable alliances in the Parliament.

The outcomes of the 2014 European Parliament elections not only impacted the balance of power within the European Parliament but also influenced the broader political landscape in Europe, contributing to a period of increased political polarization and euroscepticism.
